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Welcome to the Underground Microphone!

Writer: Virginia Hart PikeVirginia Hart Pike

Updated: Aug 8, 2023

Welcome to my new weekly email update to which I have given the name, The Underground Microphone! This weekly notification is a ministry of REGA Arts created for Christians who are passionate and praying about seeing God move in theatre and other performing arts industries. The purpose of these updates is to unite these Christian artists and other arts-minded believers around the country and beyond by sharing prophetic prayer points and encouragement for the purpose of praying God’s heart for the theatre and other related performing arts industries. There is also a prayer meeting I lead every Tuesday morning on zoom at 10:00AM EST, where we pray into specific points from this email list, as well as other concerns for artists in our network and projects we’re connected to (info on how to join the prayer meeting is below). The Underground Microphone is part of a bigger vision for which I have a special code name:

Operation Broadway Rebirth. Many Christians called to the Arts today are feeling lost and uncertain about their own direction, and that’s partly because there’s a shift taking place in the Spirit and the approach and strategies of yesterday won’t work anymore. When I was starting out around twenty-plus years ago, the dialogue among Christian artists was largely surrounding the issue of mediocrity in Christian forms of art and entertainment. I believe a lot of efforts were made to try to rectify this out of “good intentions” and some fruit has been seen. However, the rebirth of Broadway is something that can only be a work of God Himself. So old tactics of merely knowing one's scripture and being excellent in one's craft are not enough today. Without the prophetic edge and Christians knowing their authority over the principalities of the world (in our case, the performing arts industry), any Christian movement is doomed to sink, but especially what the Lord is doing in the Arts. While the Logos is the inerrant Word of God, it can’t tell you for instance, what the Lord is saying specifically about your calling, or what project to work on, or where He’s taking a certain industry in this season - only the Holy Spirit can. Hearing the Lord’s voice and discerning His specific will is the prophetic spirit. To that end, REGA Arts is under the spiritual oversight a church that operates very strongly in the prophetic ministry, Times of Refreshing Christian Centre, NY (TORCC-NY), under the leadership of Senior Pastor Dr. Robyn Kassas, and Associate Pastor Nathan Kassas. I have been trained for the past eleven years in their affiliate school, The School of Apostles and Prophets (SOAP). I was called to be a prophet to the Arts in 2011, and anointed and launched in September of 2019. In 2018, my mentor, Dr. Robyn Kassas gave me a prophetic word about being a microphone to Broadway: You are a microphone to Broadway to change the atmosphere. What you see, declare,
says God, and I will resound it through Heaven. It will echo from one part of Heaven to
the other. It will echo, says the Lord. I will be to you what you will be to Broadway. So this weekly newsletter/blog is me taking up that call to declare the word of the Lord about the Arts as I hear and see it to as many as are willing to hear it and pray it through. Many of these words come from TORCC-NY, in particular our Season Casting event, which is an annual conference at which TORCC leadership speaks prophetic words for the upcoming Hebraic year over the Church, the nations, and the seven mountains of society, which includes the Arts industry. Over the past several years, TORCC-NY has given so many prophetic words for the arts, they could fill a small booklet of their own! I incorporate them into this forum as the Lord leads. Incidentally, (this is not a plug, but in case you are interested) if you would like to purchase a TORCC-NY season casting booklet containing all of the words spoken by TORCC leadership from one of the last two years, you can purchase them here. This weekly update will also include news from what’s going on in the theatre and performing arts world, news about moves of God in the industry (in particular through REGA Arts, but I’d love to share testimonies and news from others as well), and prophetic insight and prayer points (some prayer requests may be included in the email but not here on the blog). If you have testimonies, prayer requests, or your own insights you’d like to share, please email them to me privately at and I will share them in our email updates as the Spirit leads. (If you’d like to read my professional bio, you can find it here.)
I’m in this calling not only to BE an artist, but to see Jesus CHANGE THE ARTS, and I’m looking to raise up Christians who are not merely consumers of the Arts, but change-agents, and warriors in the Spirit.
We mustn’t settle for a Christian witness that feels obligated to cow-tow to the idols of the Arts world and then see how we can fit into it. It’s time for Christians to be the Head and not the tail of this industry, so we can be vessels of change, of salvation, of radical Divinely-inspired creative works that change the atmosphere, of the captive being set free and the culture being renewed! If that’s what you want, then please join me in praying into God’s words this season. If you’d like to join my Tuesday morning prayers meetings (10AM EST on zoom), shoot me an email at and if you’re someone I haven’t yet met, we’ll set up a meeting so I can give you the low-down on how we run the prayer meetings. And if you know someone who might be interested in receiving these email updates, feel free to direct them to this link where they can subscribe and leave me a message telling me they'd like to receive The Underground Microphone updates. I’m expectant and excited for what God is going to do through His artists, and I hope you are too!


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